Karibu (Welcome)!

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You might be wondering why I chose “Give me Your vision” as my blog site. If you’ve been receiving prayer cards from me the past few years, I’ve placed on there “Give me Your eyes”. When we look around us, we often look with eyes just at the physical. I want the eyes of God. I want to see what HE SEES. No, I’m not talking about like Adam and Eve and the Tree of Knowledge. I don’t need THAT kind of vision.

You might also think it is contradictory that my “tagline” reads, “Walking by Faith, Not by Sight”. But it’s really not. I want eyes to see like God does AND I want to walk by faith and not human sight. Faith walks in the trust of the Lord and not the fear of the world. Walking in faith allows me to go to the hard places when I might not “see” the purpose in it. That’s where God’s vision comes in!!

God looks beyond the physical. He sees a hope for a future (Jer 29:11). He sees light in the darkness (Ps 119:11-12). He sees you and me as masterpieces created for good works (Eph 2:10). The list could go on and on… Just take a look at Psalm 139 too! He knows people intimately.

Something God has put in my heart is to make sure people are SEEN, KNOWN, and LOVED. In order to do that, I first need His eyes or His vision. He’s been equipping me in seeing beyond what’s right in front of me; but I’m always asking for more! I also want to make sure my eyes do not get distracted or blurred. I want my vision to be 20/20 and in line with His. “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” (Matt 6:10)

As you read my blogs, explore my projects, and navigate my site; it is my hope that God’s love story oozes out of everything. God is all about relationship. He’s all about knowing someone inside and out and seeing “more than meets the eye”. God’s relationship with us is even more than that too! He’s even more excited to share the greatest love story of all time with everyone and anyone who is willing to listen and ACCEPT it. Now that’s deep love. That’s amazing grace. That’s the kind of vision and love I want to see and walk in.

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